Cube Resistance Problem | JEE Main | JEE Advanced

For a cube of equal resistance along its edges, let’s determine the equivalent resistance between

  1. two vertices along the body diagonal
  2. two vertices along the face diagonal
  3. two adjacent vertices

Note that we will explore two methods here: (a) Equivalent circuit, utilizing symmetry (b) Potential method

1. Cube Resistance Problem | Equivalent resistance between two vertices along the 'body' diagonal

Approach 1 : Equivalent circuit, utilizing symmetry

Equivalent resistance between two vertices along the body diagonal is $= \cfrac{5R}{6}$. The equivalent representations are shown below which will help you understand the approach. Note that vertices $B$, $D$, and $E$ are at the same potential because of symmetry and similarly $C$, $F$ and $H$ are at the same potential. 

Cube Resistance Problem - body diagonal - rev1
Cube Resistance Problem - body diagonal - equivalent 1
Cube Resistance Problem - body diagonal - equivalent 2

Approach 2 : Current Method

Assume that the current flowing into vertex $A$ is $i$. Now because of the symmetry we can assign the current in different branches as follows

Now, to establish Potential difference, $V_{AG}$, between vertices $A$ and $G$ let’s follow the path $A – B – C – G$ and let’s write down the potential drop

So, $V_{AG} = \cfrac{i}{3} R + \cfrac{i}{6} R + \cfrac{i}{3} R$ $= \cfrac{5R}{6} i$

So $R_{eq} = \cfrac{V_{AG}}{i} = \cfrac{5R}{6}$ 

Cube Resistance Problem - body diagonal - alternate approach

2. Cube Resistance Problem | Equivalent resistance between two vertices along the 'face' diagonal

Approach 1 : Equivalent circuit

Equivalent resistance between two vertices along the face diagonal is $= \cfrac{3R}{4}$. The equivalent representations are shown below which will help you understand the approach. 

Note that circuit is symmetric about $B-F-H-D$ as inidicated by red dotted line, meaning all these vertices are at the same potential which helps us simplify the circuit as shown below

Cube Resistance Problem - face diagonal - rev2
Cube Resistance Problem - face diagonal - equivalent 1
Cube Resistance Problem - face diagonal - equivalent 2

Approach 2 : Potential Method

Cube Resistance Problem - face diagonal - alternate approach

Having assigned potentials to different vertices (taking into account the symmetry), we will now write the junction rule for vertices $D$, $E$ and $F$, which will give us 3 equations in 3 unknowns, namely, $V_1$, $V_2$ and $V_3$

So, writing the junction rule at $E$ will give us
$\cfrac{V-V_2}{R} = \cfrac{V_2-V_3}{R} + \cfrac{V_2-V_3}{R}$

At junction $H$, we will have
$\cfrac{V_2-V_3}{R} = \cfrac{V_3-V_1}{R} + \cfrac{V_3-(V-V_2)}{R}$

At junction $D$, we will have
$\cfrac{V-V_1}{R} = \cfrac{V_1-V_3}{R} + \cfrac{V_1}{R}$

And writing the equivalent resistance equation for junction $A$ we get
$\cfrac{V}{R_{eq}} = \cfrac{V – V_2}{R} + \cfrac{V-V_1}{R} + \cfrac{V-V_1}{R}$ $\cdots$ (1)

Solving for $V_1$ and $V_2$ in terms of $V$ and substituting them in equation $1$ we get,

$R_{eq} = \cfrac{3R}{4}$ 

3. Cube Resistance Problem | Equivalent circuit between two adjacent vertices

Approach 1 : Equivalent circuit

Equivalent resistance between two adjacent vertices $= \cfrac{7R}{12}$. The equivalent representations are shown below which will help you understand the approach. 

Note that branch 2 and 3 have horizontal symmetry (as indicated by dotted red line) which helps us simplify the circuit as shown below

Cube Resistance Problem - adjacent vertices
Cube Resistance Problem - adjacent vertices - equivalent 1
Cube Resistance Problem - adjacent vertices - equivalent 2