Students who do well in physics tend to do well overall in JEE Main and JEE Advanced (IIT JEE) exams. So it is our sincere effort to provide you all the important information on physics (including physics DPP for JEE Mains and DPP for IIT JEE) in an organized and structured manner so that you have the best study plan available to you to build concepts and master problem-solving skills. But remember, that it is you, who needs to walk this path.
Differences Between JEE Main & JEE Advanced Physics Papers
To begin with, let’s review some differences between physics papers in JEE Main and JEE Advanced before we get into marks you need to score to get your desired rank.
In JEE Main there is only 1 paper of 3 hours (300 marks, 75 questions of Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics) and you will get to attempt 25 questions (4 marks each) in physics in about 1 hour (assuming you give equal time to all 3 subjects). While in JEE Advanced there are 2 papers of 3 hrs each (54 questions in each paper with a total maximum score of 372 marks) you will have 18 physics questions to attempt in 1 hour in each of the two papers.
The difficulty level of JEE Main is lower than that of JEE Advanced and note that you need to score 90 percentile (roughly 100 marks out of 300) in JEE Main to qualify for JEE Advanced.
As for marks in physics in the two exams, in JEE Main you should target about 35 marks out of 100 in physics for 90 percentile (top 1 lakh students), about 55 marks / 100 for 99 percentile (top 10,000 students), and 75 marks / 100 for 99.9 percentile (top 1000 students).
While in JEE Advanced, you will need to score 80+ marks out of 126 in physics for top 500 ranks, 70 to 80 marks out of 126 for top 1000 rank, and about 45 marks out of 126 for the top 10,000 ranks. Note that IITs publish about 25,000 ranks
Who can benefit from following this study plan?
Students who are enrolled in a coaching institute (for example, FIIT JEE, Aakash, Unacademy, Vedantu, Allen, Resonance etc.) or students who are self studying and have some beginner level knowledge of the chapter.
Our focus is on different types of questions that are asked on a given topic/chapter in JEE Main and JEE Advanced and sharing the concepts and step by step approach to solving them.
We will make sure that you feel a measurable difference in your preparedness if you stick with this study plan
And yes, we do realize that all students struggle with managing time between the 3 subjects and their commitments at school, So it is designed to give you the most benefit in least amount of time.
So what can you expect from us (AceJEE)?
You will get to learn about almost all the unique different types of questions that you can expect & learn about the approach to solve them
You will get to practice 200+ practice questions
We will cover all the topics latest by Dec end
And yes, you can ask questions in the comment section and we will try and answer them promptly
Our Approach to Physics DPP for JEE Mains and DPP for IIT JEE
The structure that we will follow (along with the content) will act as your study plan and will help you significantly irrespective of whether you are self-studying for the exams or are enrolled with a coaching institute (AceJEE, FIITJEE, Aakash, Allen, Resonance, Unacademy, Vedantu, etc.). So, here are the key elements of this approach
- We approach the topic from question types, which are simply the different ways in which questions can be framed on a given topic. For example, in Kinematics, all the questions on kinematics that you will see across previous year JEE Main papers, JEE Advanced papers, NTA (109 test papers), HC Verma, DC Pandey, and Cengage are nothing but slight variations of the 40 different types of questions that we discuss below.
- Lecture videos on question types cover the underlying theory and concepts, which helps you revisit the concepts and theory multiple times in a much more engaging way
- Associated with question types, there are about 200+ questions to practice from in each chapter allowing you to master those question types
- After you are done with lecture videos and practice questions, test your understanding with mock tests and you will see a noticeable difference in your ability to solve problems
- Our faculty is here to promptly respond to any query or question you might have.
- You can join live online sessions with Vikas Sir and go through the above with him, which will help you with the needed motivation and you can instantly seek guidance/help on any doubts you might have
Class 11 Physics DPP for JEE Mains and IIT JEE
Click on the topics to navigate to the weekly modules and assignments. Click here for Class 12 topics
1. Units and Dimensions (Coming on June 10, 2021)
3. Force and Motion (Coming on June 15, 2021)
4. Work Energy and Power
5. Center of Mass and Linear Momentum
6. Rotation
7. Gravitation
8. Properties of Matter (Fluids & Elasticity)
9. Simple Harmonic Motion
10. Waves
11. Heat and Thermodynamics
2. Kinematics (June 2 - July 6, 2021)
Let’s start with a quick overview of the content (lecture videos and practice problems) that you should cover in 4 to 5 weeks which will build your ability to solve JEE Mains and JEE Advanced questions. Note that you may choose to take less or more than the recommended time frame. But it is important that you do NOT miss out on any question type as that will ensure that you are truly prepared to face any question on Kinematics
Click on the respective week to get started…
Week 1 – 1 Dimensional Motion (June 2 – June 8, 2021)
Week 2 – Vector Algebra (June 9 – June 15, 2021)
Week 3 – Two Dimensional Motion (Coming Soon)
Week 4 – Two Dimensional Projectile Motion (Coming Soon)
Week 5 – Circular Motion and Relative Velocity (Coming Soon)
Once you have solved listened through the lecture videos on questions types and solved about 200 practice problems in the question type section, we would encourage you to go through the following questions to test your preparedness on the topic
Kinematics DPP 1/2 – 20 questions
Kinematics DPP 2/2 – 20 questions
Kinematics Mock Tests ( 1 to 9) with 15 questions (40 mins) in each mock test. Click here to sign-in
Other useful AceJEE posts on Kinematics (Coming soon)
- Theory and examples
- Important question types
- JEE (Main & Advanced) previous years questions
- Notes
- Projectile Motion
Class 12 Physics DPP for JEE Mains and IIT JEE
Click on the topics to navigate to the weekly modules and assignments. Click here for Class 11 topics
12. Electrostatics (Coming on June 15, 2021)
13. Current Electricity
14. Magnetics
15. Induction & Alternating Current
16. Optics
17. Modern Physics